Aethic Marine Positive Sunscreen

December 09, 2012

Aethic Sôvée is the first sunscreen in the world to be awarded the prestigious Marine Positive Certificate.

Many resorts that depend on coral reefs for many of their visitors now understand the importance of protecting this vital foundation of the marine ecosystem and have banned the use of sunscreens that are not bio-degradable.

However bio-degradable is not enough. Many of these biodegradable sunscreens, although they might dilute and disperse in water, still contain ingredients that can trigger a fatal virus in live coral which can decimate a reef.

Aethic has gone one further, investing in a unique patent-pending eco-compatible formula of its own, proven completely safe for both corals and clams. This is the formula of Sôvée, the world’s first sunscreen to be certified Marine Positive.

Me and my surfer girlfriends have been using it the last two weeks. It smells good, feels good and works well. Now that I sampled it I’m actually missing it in my life. I really enjoy the smell and it isn’t too thick on the skin.

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