Surfers for Breast Cancer Prevention
What a blessed day to pay it forward, show gratitude, and educate the youth about breast cancer prevention. Donate some money and ride a wave for the love of boobies!
As surfers, sisters, daughters, lovers and mothers.. we support Keep A Breast and Cancer Prevention. Please help us raise needed funds for one of our favorite charities! WE LOVE BOOBIES!!
Make a donation to @keepabreast for #Give2Educate10. Just $2 helps educate 10 about #breastcancer!
Me Ke Aloha,
Give 2 Educate 10 – Help Raise $100k To Educate Half A Million People About Breast Cancer!
1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. Out of all cases of breast cancer, 1 in 233 occur in women age 39 and younger. For young people age 39 and under, breast cancer screening, education, and prevention methods are not discussed, commonly recommended, and still not spoken about by most breast cancer non-profits.
For every $2 spent on KAB’s Traveling Education Booth program, Keep A Breast has the opportunity to educate ten more people with life saving information. This year our goal is to raise $100,000 for our Traveling Education Booth to allow us to reach half a million more young people.
[button url=”″ target=”_blank” size=”small” style=”pink” ]View our Traveling Education Booth Infographic[/button]
A $2 cup of coffee. A $2 app download. A $2 commitment to breast cancer prevention and early detection.
We ask that you join us by pledging just two dollars on monthly basis. Please share this video as well as our message of breast cancer prevention and early detection by becoming a $2 monthly donor, and sharing this information with ten people.
Imagine the number of people we could reach with your help!
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